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Mutual Aid Ambulance Service
Mutual Aid Ambulance Service was formed as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization in 1968 by a group of concerned community members in Greensburg, PA who wanted to ensure that the emergency medical service needs of the community are met. “Service… So, others may live” has been a guiding mission to support and sustain one of the largest non-municipal ambulance services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Mutual Aid Ambulance Service was formed as a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization in 1968 by a group of concerned community members in Greensburg, PA who wanted to ensure that the emergency medical service needs of the community are met. “Service… So, others may live” has been a guiding mission to support and sustain one of the largest non-municipal ambulance services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Greensburg PA
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Air Ambulance Service 24/7
Open 24/7. Medical Air Transport anywhere on the globe. Alia MedFlight Call (602) 800-7070. Alia MedFlight is the leading provider of Air Ambulance and Medical Flights in the Western Hemisphere. With our Gulfstream 100 fleet dedicated to fixed-wing air-medical-transport, air ambulance and medevac operations. Open 24/7. Medical Air Transport anywhere on the globe. Alia MedFlight Call (602) 800-7070. Alia MedFlight is the leading provider of Air Ambulance and Medical Flights in the Western Hemisphere. With our Gulfstream 100 fleet dedicated to fixed-wing air-medical-transport, air ambulance and medevac operations.
Scottsdale AZ
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