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Francis Fire Protection Services Ltd
Fire extinguisher supply, installation, servicing and staff training (on&off site) - Fire marshal-warden training (on&off site) - Fire risk assessments - Fire detection supply. Fire extinguisher supply, installation, servicing and staff training (on&off site) - Fire marshal-warden training (on&off site) - Fire risk assessments - Fire detection supply.
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Brook One Corporation
Brook One Corporation is a manufacturer of an innovative, fire barrier cover film designed specifically for aircraft thermal/acoustic insulation systems. Since 2011, our experienced Research and Development team has engineered a new product that features a PEEK material for strength (and lower smoke/toxic emissions) and a propriety core material that is a proven fire barrier solution! Brook One Corporation is a manufacturer of an innovative, fire barrier cover film designed specifically for aircraft thermal/acoustic insulation systems. Since 2011, our experienced Research and Development team has engineered a new product that features a PEEK material for strength (and lower smoke/toxic emissions) and a propriety core material that is a proven fire barrier solution!
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