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Beautiful Bundles
Beautiful Bundles offer a vast range of categories, from fashionable clothes, accessories, skincare, haircare, makeup, and perfumes to baby care, gear, feeding essentials, mothercare, home decor, cleaning tools, personal hygiene, school essentials, and toys. Ecommerce to Retail: In 2023, we launched our retail presence in one of the largest uniform-selling stores, Threads. Simultaneously, we did a grand back-to-school sale catering to 13 prestigious schools across the UAE. Beautiful Bundles offer a vast range of categories, from fashionable clothes, accessories, skincare, haircare, makeup, and perfumes to baby care, gear, feeding essentials, mothercare, home decor, cleaning tools, personal hygiene, school essentials, and toys. Ecommerce to Retail: In 2023, we launched our retail presence in one of the largest uniform-selling stores, Threads. Simultaneously, we did a grand back-to-school sale catering to 13 prestigious schools across the UAE.
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